Boy, what a year!
Here are the highlights of 2014:
• Last year, my niece, Sadie Lorraine, was born 2 months premature, weighing only 3 pounds.
Tomorrow she turns 1!
She is a very happy and a perfectly healthy kiddo!
I'm grateful that she is doing so well!
• I graduated from college!

• I started an Etsy shop!
• I attended a prestigious writing workshop at Interlochen and have made great strides with my manuscript!
• I read some great books and discovered new and amazing authors! Kasie West, Morgan Matson, Stephanie Perkins, Tahereh Mafi, to name a few.
Looking ahead to 2015:
• I'm planning to remodel my sewing room! I'm so excited about this!!!
• I have so many ideas for new items for my Etsy shop and I need to restock some of the most popular items. I was fortunate to sell out of many of the items in my shop this holiday season!
• There are great books coming out on 2015! The one I'm most excited about: Liars Inc. by Paula Stokes. Oh, and, of course, Kasie West's new book, The Fill-In Boyfriend. And the sequel to Sara Shepherd's series, The Perfectionists. And so many more!